Saturday, June 30, 2012

It Seems Like Only Yesterday…

...I Started this Crazy Adventure. (My Blog and Pregnancy.) 

I. Made. It. 

Chase, barely. I think he has had about 7-10 "last hoorah's"...well, mine was November 5th, so Mommy is LONG OVERDUE. You are warned Gibson. May the odds be ever in your favor. 

Chase and I sat on the couch yesterday after the Doctor called with my schedule for Sunday and Monday just in awe. I told him I honestly thought this day would never come and I would just be pregnant forever! 

We head in at 9pm Sunday night (My Birthday!) and start the fun stuff early Monday morning, which will hopefully be Norah’s birthday! It’s our last night at home with just me, the hubs and pup. Crazy.

Here is a little trip down Belly Lane. We will post a final tomorrow night before we check in! The steroids I have been on have made me look a little "puffy", so I've been camera shy...I'm sure being 9 months prego in this Texas heatwave have nothing to do with it, right? 
Saturday, November 5th, 2011

 13 weeks...look at that little bump! 

15 teenage FB picture...I was home alone. 

20ish weeks 

There are a few more floating around out there from more recent showers, parties, etc and I will get around to posting sometime...I'm sure the hubs and sisters have some on their FB too! 

So, here we go...

The FINAL Prego Update (Hopefully!):

How Far Along: 39 weeks on Monday!

Maternity Clothes: dresses, maternity tops, leggings (You know you are due when your leggings are too tight on your belly!)

Sleep: up every 1-2 hours and sleeping on the couch, which feels amazing even though I miss the hubs and pup! The pup is back and forth all night checking on me.

Best Moments: Getting to spend time with my Mom, sisters and their kids almost everyday, our final Guls dinner before the newest baby gul arrives (Missed you Hillary!), the call from my Doctor that my blood work came back great and we are ready to rock!

Miss Anything: a smaller stomach because...The other morning when I was letting the pup out, the door knob swept right over my belly button and left a lovely bruise! (Yes, I know my tummy will still be “big” after she is here, but I am so clumsy and it’s so big right now!) Also, a cold beer.

Movement: She is pretty crowded in there!  

Food Cravings: Food, Frequently. Just picked up 6 cupcakes from a sweet bakery in town for my birthday…and Norah’s! (I love a good sampler!)

Anything making me sick or nauseas: We have been making homemade fruit smoothie’s for breakfast (trying to get the hubs to eat anything healthy!), and then I will just forget to eat actual food. My schedule is so different when I am off school, so I start to feel a little woozy, then find the nearest snack and water! (or Starbucks Passion Tea!) 

Gender: Girl

Labor Signs: pressure and tightness in pretty good waves

Symptoms: Sleepy. Hungry. Thirsty. Waddling. Just BIG and Ready!

Belly Button: It’s out and bruised. 

Wedding Rings: Have been wearing my band for the past month...not sure when that sucker will be able to come off! Maybe August...

Happy or Moody: Anxious, Nervous, Excited, Glowing…well, sweaty.

Looking Forward To: The newest member of our Funny Farm and more Outstanding Adventures to come! 

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday little Mama! Twenty-seven years ago today I was you. Took me a trip to the doctor and then meeting him at the hospital to convince the world that July 1st was your birthday. Our second generation firecracker will be here soon.
